212 Main St Tuckahoe NY 10707

Mesotherapy Greenville

Greenville Mesotherapy Specialist

Mesotherapy GreenvilleMany people struggle with weight loss and fat reduction. Some people seek to lose overall weight, while others deal with tricky fat in certain problem spots. In the past, liposuction has been used in these situations. That treatment, however, can sometimes be painful and may cause bruising, bleeding and scars.

Mesotherapy provides a virtually pain-free and minimally-invasive fat reduction option for those hoping to lose weight.

If you're looking for Mesotherapy treatment in Greenville, please call (914) 610-3505 or contact Dr. Angelo Baccellieri online.

How Mesotherapy Works

Mesotherapy is performed with several small injections at the area where fat will be reduced. Contained in these injections is a combination of medications, vitamins and natural extracts designed to reduce cellulite from the treatment area.

The primary difference between mesotherapy and traditional weight loss surgery is cellulite. Where mesotherapy targets and eliminates tricky, body-misshaping cellulite, liposuction and other surgeries actually make it more visible.

Some mesotherapy injections are even approved for skin tightening, meaning you avoid that often undesirable after-effect of weight loss.

What to Expect from Mesotherapy Treatment in Greenville

Mesotherapy appointments are brief and near-painless. Because the needles involved in the procedure are so small, most patients report only a slight stinging sensation. Depending on your personal preference, a numbing cream may be applied to the skin before the procedure.

A typical mesotherapy treatment plan is made up of multiple sessions, which provides consistent results and can be scheduled to fit your needs. Results vary, but some patients see fat-reduction results after just one treatment.

In addition to overall fat reduction, mesotherapy is also ideal for targeting trouble spots such as love handles and saddlebags. Mesotherapy has also been used to treat:

  • Sagging skin
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Stretch marks
  • Light scars

Contact Mesotherapy Specialist in Greenville

It's best to receive mesotherapy from an experienced provider who can tailor the treatment to best suit your individual needs.

If you're interested in the aesthetic uses of mesotherapy, please call (914) 610-3505 or contact Dr. Angelo Baccellieri online.

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Hours and Directions
Westchester Wellness Medicine


212 Main St
Tuckahoe, NY 10707
(914) 610-3505


Tue: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wed: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Fri: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Sat: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Areas We Service:

Westchester County, NY, Greenville, NY, Bronxville, NY, Eastchester, NY, Harrison, NY, Hartsdale, NY, Larchmont, NY, Mamaroneck, NY, Mount Vernon, NY, New Rochelle, NY, Port Chester, NY, Rye, NY, Scarsdale, NY, White Plains, NY, Yonkers, NY